Idle Online Universe Wiki

v0.03a - Dec 8, 2014

-ADD: New character level up system! EXP purchases swapped out for ability distributions upon level up to simplify the process significantly.
-ADD: Guilds! Create or join one, NOW!
-ADD: Open Guild Listing System!
-ADD: PARTY SYSTEM. Join guildmates battles; yes you can literally hop in and battle things together. Balance issues will be resolved next patch. Party Allow Toggle system included in Guild Manage panel.
-ADD: Ascension system!
-ADD: Second pet! Available after your first ascend
-ADD: RARE SPAWNS! A small chance for massive treasures to spawn. Destroy it in time to receive insane amounts of gold. 
-ADD: This patch notes window & Sound Effect!
-ADD: Sound effect on error: "Uh oh!"
-FIX: Claim Boxes should reappear after day rollovers
-FIX: Daily Bonuses should appear after day rollovers
-FIX: Exploit to claim rewards multiple times
-FIX: All buttons should now either toggle or have a mouse over/down effect.
-FIX: Upgrades that have reached max level will no longer confuse players with the fake option to continue upgrading.
-BALANCE: Double attack skills reduced by 80%
-BALANCE: Speed upgrades changed from 5% to 0.5%
-BALANCE: Speed Upgrade caps increased from 5 to 100
-BALANCE: Speed Upgrade costs doubled
-BALANCE: Base Damage Upgrade cost quadroupled
-BALANCE: TimeExtension Upgrade cost doubled
-BALANCE: HPReduction Upgrade cost tripled
-BALANCE: GoldCoinCount Upgrade cost x10
-BALANCE: World GoldRate Upgrade cost doubled
-VISUAL: Nearly the entire interface has been completely revamped! Plenty left to do, but on track with beta preparations.
-VISUAL: New Improved Diamond Icon
-VISUAL: New Improved Trophy Icon
-VISUAL: New Hover Tip system. More to be done with this.
Patch History
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v0.03a v0.04a