Idle Online Universe Wiki

v0.51 zeta - Jul 27, 2015

Event Building Rates Doubles
-ADD: New Guild Building: Fortress
-ADD: Max Pet Tier increased to 10 (from 8)
-ADD: Max trophy level increased to 100 (from 90)
-ADD: Max woodcutting increased to 25 (from 22)
-ADD: New Improved Party Filtering system
-ADD: Backend party/guild reinstancing system to avoid requiring patches to resolve server-side issues
-ADD: New additive 3% gold boost per inferno level
-ADD: New multiplied 3% damage boost on pets per inferno level
-FIX: Verifying investment window not disappearing for new guild users
-FIX: Stable should no longer have the altar background
-FIX: Next planet tip should no longer show for those on the 10th planet
-FIX: Issue with players not being removed from parties after quitting
-FIX: Guild leaders are now exempt from the 24 hour delayed stone investment period
-FIX: Code entries are now trimmed of leading/trailing spaces to prevent copy/paste error confusion
-FIX: Confirmation added for Card Boost purchases
-FIX: Event pack tip should now actually open the event pack
-FIX: Party search by name should no longer be case sensitive
-VISUAL: Guild Members are now sorted by Rank, then Level
-BALANCE: New level requirement alternatives for unlocking duo/group challenges
-BALANCE: Groups of 3 and 4 now have a more rewarding rate of gold/xp
-BALANCE: Event research upgrade costs reduced for 50+ (Except deconcentration)
-BALANCE: Inferno creature levels now increase by 15 per world
-BALANCE: (Experimental - potentially temporary) 30% XP Boost on players who have completed all required zones, but have not yet reached the required level to ascend
Patch History
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v0.51z v0.52z